School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils


Choose the correct answer in the following questions and write it beside each question { 20marks }

  1. What does science deals with?
  1. Study of environment
  2. Study of medicine and car manufacturing
  3. Study of microscope
  4. Study of nature by experiment and observation
  1. The following is the list of subjects that are studied under science
  1. Geography, physics and history
  2. Mathematics, economy and book keeping
  3. Physics, chemistry and biology
  4. History, civics and English
  5. Commerce, agriculture and language
  1. Biology is the subject that deals with…..
  1. Study of cells
  2. Study of life
  3. Study of anatomy
  4. Study of animals
  1. The organ that is used for hearing is called…..
  1. The ear
  2. The eye
  3. The nose
  4. The skin
  1. Walking process is done by…
  1. Head
  2. Fingers
  3. Arms
  4. Legs
  1. The fish like tilapia breathe through…
  1. Lungs
  2. Spiracles
  3. Gills
  4. Skin
  1. Deficiency of iodine in the body can lead to disease called…
  1. Rickets
  2. Goiter
  3. Night blindness
  4. Diabetes
  1. One of the following is not the laboratory rules…
  1. Observing good table manner during eating
  2. Do not enter in the laboratory without permission
  3. Report any accident to the teacher or lab. Technician
  4. Do not eat, drink or taste anything in the laboratory
  1. Waste can be defined as…
  1. Wanted materials
  2. Pleased materials
  3. Overused materials
  4. Unwanted materials
  1. One of the following is not the living things characteristics…
  1. Movement
  2. Growth
  3. Digestion
  4. Respiration
  1. Fill the spaces provided;
  1. Skills in studying biology include ……………………, ……………., ………………
  2. A scientist can be able to reject or accept hypothesis by doing …………………….
  3. To preserve animals like snakes, and fish in the laboratory of biology we use …………………………….
  4. The study of mushroom, toad stool, and mucor …………………………..
  5. The person who studies botany ……………………………………
  6. The study of insects is called …………………….
  7. The study of how the body of humans functions …………………………….
  8. Another name for veterinary is …………………………………..
  9. Gaseous exchange take place between organisms and …………………………..
  10. The giving rise to new individual of the same kind is ……………………………….
  1. Fill in the blanks:
  1. Who is a biologist? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Movement done by most animals is known as ………………………………………………………………………
  3. Plants also have their movement where by plants roots and shoots move towards water, gravity and light this movement is known as ………………………………………………………………………………..
  4. Give the meaning of biology …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  5. Movement is important since it help organism to obtain food, ………………………, ……………………… and …………………………
  1. State six scientific methods you know.
  2. Write down five fields related to biology
  1. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
  2. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
  3. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
  4. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
  5. ………………………………………………………………………………………..
  1. Define the word “biology”


  1. Write down 3 importance of studying biology




  1. List down 4 branches of biology





  1. Give five branches of biology
    1. _____________________________________________________
    2. ______________________________________________________
    3. ______________________________________________________
    4. ______________________________________________________
    5. ______________________________________________________
  2. Mention characteristics of living things (7)
    1. _____________________________________________________
    2. ______________________________________________________
    3. ______________________________________________________
    4. ______________________________________________________
    5. ______________________________________________________
    6. ______________________________________________________
    7. ______________________________________________________


School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils




  1. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong;
  1. A laboratory is a special room designed and equipped for scientific investigations.
  2. Thermometers and burners are only found in the biology laboratory.
  3. Laboratory safety rules are formulated to frighten students.
  4. Corrosive chemicals can burn books and clothes because they catch fire easily.
  5. Using microscope biologists have been able to observe very small organisms.
  6. A scientific procedure only involves observation and Experimentations.
  7. To be accurate scientists use special tools to take measurements.
  8. A hypothesis is idea or explanation that is proposed to answer the observed problem.
  9. Interpretation means investigation.
  10. Pulse rate can only measured by qualified doctors.

2.      Choose the most correct answer below;

                                i.            Which of the following will be a sequence to follow in a scientific procedure?

1.      Observation and data recording

2.      Hypothesis and formulation

3.      Conclusion

4.      Problem identification


                              ii.            In biology Experiment is used to test a;

1.      Low B. Theory C. Hypothesis D. Problem

                            iii.            Interpretation means;

1.      To make sense of information

2.      Investigation

3.      Evaluation

4.      Guessing

                            iv.            If you look at cells in frog muscles, you will observe that in this frog cells contain nuclei but luck cell wall. The statement that frog muscles contain nuclei but no cell wall is termed as;

1.      Hypothesis

2.      Conclusion

3.      An assumption

4.      None of the above

                              v.            If you want to heat chemicals in biology you will use;

1.      Petri dish C. Bunsen burner

2.      Hand lens D. Motor

                            vi.            ………….. is the number of times the heart beats per minute;

A. Pulse B. Pulse rate C. Artery D. Temperature

                          vii.            The study of Fungi is known as;

A. Anatomy B. Mycology C. Genetics D. Cytology

                        viii.            ………….. is the study of developing drugs and medicine;

1.      Medicine B. Biology C. Pharmacy D. Agriculture


                            ix.            Walking, crawling and dancing is an example of;

1.      Movement B. Locomotion

C. Activities D. Characteristics of living things

2.      ……………….. refers to internal body heat;

1.      Pulse B. Pulse rate C. Temperature D. Body temperature

  1. Fill the spaces provided;
      1. Skills in studying biology include ……………………, ……………., ………………
      2. A scientist can be able to reject or accept hypothesis by doing …………………….
      3. To preserve animals like snakes, and fish in the laboratory of biology we use …………
      4. It is also used to magnify things other than microscope …………………………..
      5. If you want to catch flying insects you will use ……………………………………
      6. Readings in measurements are recorded in standard units called …………………….
      7. We use tools in measurements because sense organs are …………………………….
      8. Another name for veterinary is …………………………………..
      9. Gaseous exchange take place between organisms and …………………………..
      10. The giving rise to new individual of the same kind is ……………………………….


  1. (a) Define biology laboratory ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) List at least four factors to consider while constructing the biology laboratory.

       i. …………………………………………….

ii. ………………………………………………

iii. ……………………………………………..

iv. …………………………………………….

  1. (a) What is the aim of laboratory safety rules? ………………………………………………………………………………………………

(b) Mention at least four safety rules when you’re in the biology laboratory;

i. …………………………………………. ii. …………………………………………

iii. …………………………………………. iv. ………………………………………..

  1. Define the following terms;
  1. Control experiment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Mass …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Scientific procedures ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. Measurements ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  5. Biology …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  1. List down any five measurements in biology and give their SI units.



  1. The study of virus
  2. The study of fish
  3. The study of epidemic diseases
  4. The study body internal structures
  5. The study of outer features of an organism
  6. Study of inheritance and variation
  7. Study of small organisms
  8. Scientific study of classification
  9. The study of body organs
  10. The study of cells
  1. Ichytheology
  2. Archeology
  3. Virology
  4. Cytology
  5. Mycology
  6. Fungology
  7. Anatomy
  8. Morphology
  9. Entomology
  10. Genetics
  11. Taxonomy
  12. Immunology
  13. Ecology
  14. Physiology
  15. Entomology
  16. microbiology
  1. Differentiate between;
  1. Specimen and model …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. Temperature and body temperature …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. Fact and theory …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  4. Index and thumb …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


  1. Draw and explain one function of each of the following biology laboratory apparatus and equipments.
  1. Test tube hold
  2. Test tube rack
  3. Petri dish
  4. Motor and pestle
  5. Test tube brush


School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils


  1. If you don’t have gloves, you can also use--------------- to protect your hands
  1. Socks
  2. Plastic bag
  3. Tins
  4. A piece of cloth
  1. When giving first aid, to a snake bite victim you should not
  1. Cut the wound
  2. Calm them down
  3. Remove jewellery from bitten limb
  4. Lower the bitten area.
  1. A victim of poisoning should not be;
  1. Forced to vomit
  2. Given water
  3. Given milk
  4. Given anything by mouth
  1. A decrease in supply of blood in the head can lead to;
  1. Heart attach
  2. Drowning
  3. Fainting
  4. Shock
  1. Which of the following will not be found in a first aid box?
  1. Amoxylin tablets
  2. Razorblade
  3. Panadol
  4. Iodine tincture
  1. Which of the following should not be done to a person bitten by insects such a bees
  1. Apply a cold compress
  2. Scrape the stings using a blunt object
  3. Use fingers to remove stings
  4. Apply baking soda in case of acidic sting
  1. The following are importance of first aid except
  1. Cures the person
  2. Give hope and encouragement
  3. Reduces pain
  4. Reduces excessive loss of blood
  1. Which of the following will protect a person from contamination when giving first aid?
  1. Scarf
  2. Boots
  3. Apron
  4. Gloves
  1. Which of the following is best use of adhesive bandage?
  1. Cleaning the wound
  2. Covering small wound
  3. Cleaning wound to kill germs
  4. Applying medicine
  1. Which of the following is not a cause of muscle cramps?
  1. Poor coordination of muscles
  2. Cold weather
  3. Drinking alcohol
  4. Excessive salts in the body
  1. The following statements are either true or false. Write T for true statement and F for false statement.
  1. Induce vomiting if a person has swallowed medicine
  2. First aid help reassure the patient
  3. First aid should be given by a qualified physician
  4. Remove bee stings using needles
  5. Before taking a victim of snake bite to hospital, capture the snake
  6. A victim of snake bite should be given alcohol to relieve pain
  7. It is important to reduce the rate of poison spread in the body
  8. Use a strong metallic object to remove a victim of electric shock from the source
  9. A person who is nose bleeding should bend upward to reduce blood flow.
  10. We can use clean water, salt and sugar to make a hydration drink for a person who has vomited.
  1. Matching item questions












  1. a) Define the following terms
  1. first aid
  2. first aid kit

b) Who should give first Aid?

c) Give the benefits of giving first Aid to an accident victim.

5. (a) state the steps that should be taken to prevent yourself from getting infections when giving first aid.

b) Briefly give the uses of the following items in a first aid kit

i) Bandage

ii) Safety pins

  1. Thermometer
  2. Whistle

6. Outline the procedure of giving first Aid to an accident victim

a) Snake bites

b) Electric shock

7. (a) what are muscles cramps

b) Give the causes of muscle cramp

c) Mention ways of preventing muscle cramps

8. Mention ten common accidents which can occur at home.

9. Identify six items found in a first aid kit an state their uses.


School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils




  1. Multiple choice
  1. In natural immunity foreign bodies can be fought inborn chemicals passed from the mother to the baby. Chemicals are;
  1. Antigens B. Antibodies C. Pathogens D. Toxins
  1. In biology antibodies are;
  1. Substances causing diseases
  2. Specific to specific antigens
  3. Any foreign bodies
  4. Very poisonous to the body
  1. A type of immunity that is not produced by the body but acquired through immunization is
  1. Antibodies B. Antigens C. Artificial D. Natural Immunity
  1. Form one students were injected with a readymade vaccine against snake bites. That type of vaccination is an example of;
  1. Passive artificial
  2. Passive natural immunity
  3. Active artificial immunity
  4. Active natural immunity
  1. Tumaini has a new born baby. She is worried about measles. Tumaini can prevent her baby against measles by;
  1. Active artificial immunity
  2. Artificial passive immunity
  3. Active natural immunity
  4. Natural passive immunity
  1. Which of the following is not a requirement of personal Hygiene?
  1. Tooth brush and tooth paste
  2. Soap and clean water
  3. Mobile phone D. Towels
  1. All of the following changes occur only in boys at puberty except one. Which one is it?
  1. Beards grow
  2. Voise softens
  3. Hair grows in pubic regions
  4. Sperm production begins
  1. Which one of the following is not a way of maintaining personal Hygiene?
  1. Maintaining short and clean nails
  2. Frequent bathing
  3. Sharing towels and combs
  4. Brushing teeth in the morning only
  1. Which of the following is not an act that shows good manners towards others?
  1. Proper dressing
  2. Covering your mouth while sneezing and coughing
  3. Abusing people who do not behave responsibly
  4. Listening to others when they are speaking
  1. Which one of the following types of immunity involves passage of antibodies from mother to unborn baby across the placenta?
  1. Natural Passive immunity
  2. Artificial passive immunity
  3. Natural active immunity
  4. Artificial active immunity












  1. Write TRUE or FALSE for the following statements;
  1. Health is a state of body fitness. ..................................
  2. Regular physical exercises make the body weak. ...............................
  3. Introduction of weakened or killed pathogens in the body in order to fight diseases is called vaccination. ................................
  4. Active natural immunity lasts throughout human life. ..............................
  5. There is no difference between disease and infection. .................................
  6. Passive natural immunity lasts throughout human life. ...........................
  7. There is no difference between disease and infection. ............................
  8. Another name for antigen is antibody. ............................
  9. Insecticides emit gaseous waste .........................................
  10. Food remains can be burnt. ....................................
  1. Match the following items



  1. Discarded vegetables and dead animals.
  2. Site of dumping waste and covering with soil.
  3. Burning of waste.
  4. Making useful products from waste.
  5. To use products more than once.
  6. Waste products that can transmit diseases.
  7. A practice whereby each urban dweller is given a dustbin to put in waste and waste is collected by trucks.
  8. Parasites
  9. Invaders
  10. Resist infection and diseases



  1. Pathogens vii. Medical waste
  2. Antigens viii. Tipping organic matter
  3. Immunity ix. Waste disposal
  4. Incineration x. Hazardous waste
  5. Pit latrine xi. Land fill
  6. Recycling xii. re – use



SI units


  1. (a) (i) Define puberty ..................................................................................................................................................................................

(ii) Adolescence ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

(b) Mention changes which take place during for both boys and girls (4) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

(c) How is cleanliness maintained during puberty? Give four points ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

  1. (a) (i) what is good manners? ............................................................................................................................................................................

(ii) Personal hygiene ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

(b) Mention at least four health rules; ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

(c) Name any two diseases that may be caused by lack of personal hygiene during puberty. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


  1. List down any five factors that may weaken body immunity. .....................................................................................................................................................................................
  1. Distinguish between;
  1. Body health and immunity ....................................................................................................................................................................................
  2. Natural and artificial immunity .................................................................................................................................................................................
  3. Pathogens and antibodies ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
  4. Immunization and vaccines .......................................................................................................................................................................................
  1. (i) When the pathogens enter the body they may produce .................................................................

(ii) Any foreign substance which enters the body is called ...............................................................

(iii) Pathogens and their toxins are examples of ........................................................................

(iv) Babies get immunity from their mothers through ............................. , ...................................


  1. Look at the following stuffs.

Broken glasses, food remains, polythene bags, used pads, potato peelings, broken pots, bones human waste, litters.

  1. What is the name given to such stuff? .................................................................................
  2. Classify them into two major groups .............................................................................................................
  3. Mention all methods which are used to dispose them off. .......................................................................................................................................
  1. (a) Give at least 4 examples of drugs and cosmetics

(i) drugs ...................................................................................................................................................................................

(ii) cosmetics .................................................................................................................................................................................

(b) State any three advantages of

(i) Cosmetics ....................................................................................................................................................................................

(iii) Drugs .................................................................................................................................................................





  1. Antiseptic
  2. Petroleum jelly
  3. Iodine tincture
  4. Bandage
  5. Liniment
  6. Scissors
  7. Soap
  8. Plaster
  9. Disposable sterile gloves
  10. Panadol tablet
  1. To relieve pain
  2. To prevent infections
  3. Reducing muscle pain
  4. Covering hands to prevent infections
  5. Taking body temperature
  6. To treat fresh cuts and wounds
  7. Soothing sore muscles
  8. Covering small wounds
  9. Cleaning wounds to kill germs
  10. Cutting dressing materials


School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils


  1. The study of virus is called?
  1. Virology
  2. Virology
  3. Virologous
  4. Vitology
  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a virus?
  1. They reproduce when inside the host cell
  2. Have complex membraned cell organelle
  3. They have a protein coat called capsid
  4. They have capsids
  1. Which of the following is an advantage viruses
  1. They cause diseases
  2. They are source of protein
  3. They can attach and kill bacteria
  4. Lead to large scale epidermics
  1. Which of the following is not a feature of bacteria?
  1. They are unicellular
  2. All are parasitic
  3. They prokaryotic
  4. They can produce through binary fussion.
  1. The following are advantages of kingdom monera, except one which one?
  1. They help in digestion of substances in the body of rumunants
  2. They help in fixing nitrogen
  3. They are good source of single cell protein
  4. They help in recycling of nutrients
  1. Bacteria are able to move with the help of?
  1. Flagella
  2. Cilia
  3. Pseudopodia
  4. Tail
  1. Which of the following is wrongly matched?
  1. Rhizopoda – Rhizoids
  2. Apicomplexa –plasmodium
  3. Euglenophyta- euglena
  4. Zoomastigina- Trypanosoma
  1. Identify the organism that can photosynthesize
  1. Amoeba
  2. Paramecium
  3. Euglena
  4. Plasmodium
  1. The causative agent for malaria is?
  1. Amoeba
  2. Plasmodium
  3. Trypanosome
  4. Female anopheles mosquito
  1. Which of the following is not a feature of paramecium?
  1. They are autotrophic
  2. They use contractile vacuole to regulate water in their body
  3. Can produce both sexually and asexually
  4. Their body is covered with pellicle

2. Matching items questions

3. The following statements are either true or false. Write T for true and F for false statement.

i) all bacteria are harmful

ii) protoctists are heterotrophic in nature

  1. euglena bloom are beneficial to fish
  2. paramecium has a contractile vacuole which regulates amount of water
  3. amoeba reproduces by binary fission
  4. viruses reproduces by cell division
  5. most viral diseases can easily be cured
  6. bacteria can be used in sewage treatment, by feeding on it and rendering chemicals harmless
  7. paramecium is an example of a complex cell
  8. the eye spot in euglena is used in photosynthesis


4. a) Name the different shapes of bacteria

b) List any four advantages of bacteria

c) Outline the harmful effects of viruses.

5. a) Provide the scientific names of the following;

i) Tuberculosis

ii) Cholera

iii) Tetanus

iv) syphilis

b) mention four diseases caused by viruses

c) what do you understand by the term virology?

6. a) Name one disease that is caused by the following;

i) Amoeba

ii) Paramecium

iii) Plasmodium

b) Draw and label clearly the structure of amoeba.

7. a) Mention five phylas of kingdom protoctista

b) Provide the locomotary structure of the following organisms;

i) Amoeba

ii) Paramecium

iii) Euglena

iv) Plasmodium

c) List down the phylas of kingdom protoctista

8. a) What is a virus

b) Give reasons to support that viruses are;

i) Non-living

  ii) Living things

  c) Explain why viral diseases are difficult to cure

  9.a) Give the distinctive features of protoctists

  b) Explain the economic importance of protoctist.

  10. a) different pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria

  b) Provide the economic importance of kingdom monera.


School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils


i) Which one of the following is not an example of organisms in Kingdom Fungi?

A. Mushroom B. Puffballs

C. Amoeba D. Yeast

ii) The following are phyla in kingdom fungi. Which one is not?

A. Bryophyta B. Ascomycota

C. Zygomycota D. Basidiomycota

iii) Which one of the following is a characteristic of division Bryophyta?

A. Plant body is not differentiated into roots, leaves and stem.

B. They have well developed conductive tissues.

  1. The plant body is made up of hyphae.
  2. They store glycogen.

iv) A biologist discovered a new cell in a culture. The new cell had a distinct cell wall but it did not have a definite nucleus. The cell is mostly likely to be;

  1. Fungi
  2. Prokaryote
  3. Eukaryote
  4. Virus

v) The body of a fungi is organized into threadlike structures called

A. Chitin

B. Hyphae

C. Mycelium

D. Thallus

vi) Which of the following is not an ascomycetes?

  1. Yeast
  2. Cup fungi
  3. Rhizopus stolonifer
  4. Ringworm fungi

vii) The part of a mushroom that produces basidiosphores is the;

  1. Pileus
  2. Gills
  3. Hyphae
  4. Stipe

viii) Bryophytes need water for;

  1. Fertilization
  2. Pollination
  3. Transport of substances
  4. Digestion of food

ix) The leaves of a fern plant are called

  1. Pinnae
  2. Rachis
  3. Fronds
  4. Prothallus

x) Which of the following does not show alternation of generation?

A. Liverworts

B. Mosses

C. Fern plant

D. Puffball

2. Matching items questions.












  1. Briefly outline the general and distinctive features of Kingdom Plantae.
  2. Draw a clearly labelled diagram of a moss plant.
  3. Write two advantages and two disadvantages of mosses.
  4. Draw a clearly labeled diagram of a fern plant.
  5. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of a fern plant.
  6. List the following;
  1. Three advantages of fungi
  2. Two disadvantages of mosses
  3. Four divisions of kingdom plantae

10. (A) Draw and label the structure of mushroom

b) Give five economic importance of the














  1. Causes disease of the intestines
  2. The locomotary structure of euglena
  3. A chemical substance that is produced by bacteria and protects them.
  4. Bacteria found in root nodules and help in fixing nitrogen
  5. A virus particle outside the host
  6. A protein coat on the body of bacteria
  7. An example of spiral shaped bacteria
  8. The movement structure of bacterium.
  9. A photosynthetic protoctist
  10. An organism that causes malaria
  1. Plasmodium
  2. Capsid
  3. Virion
  4. Pellicle
  5. Rhizobium
  6. Azobacter
  7. Treponema pallidum
  8. Vibrio cholera
  9. Flagella
  10. Balentadium coli
  11. Balantidiasis
  12. Cilia
  13. Anopheles mosquito
  14. Plasmodium
  15. blooms




  1. Sac-like cells which store ascopores
  2. An example of Zygomycota
  3. Female organs of mosses
  4. Poisons produced by fungi
  5. Leaflets of fern plants
  6. Dominant species in bryophyte
  7. Roots of rhizopus
  8. A fungi used in fermentation
  9. Name given to fungi diseases which affect man
  10. The study of fungi
  1. Mycoses
  2. Basidium
  3. Fungology
  4. Mycology
  5. Thallus
  6. Sporophytes
  7. Germatophyte
  8. Rhizopus
  9. Pinnae
  10. Antheridia
  11. Stipe
  12. Penicillium
  13. Asci frond
  14. Hyphae
  15. Archegonia
  16. Hyphae
  17. Sori
  18. stolon



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