School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………………………….TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils


  1. Which of the following does not belong to kingdom plantae
  1. Bryophites
  2. Pteridophytes
  3. Basidiomycotes
  4. Angiospermaphytes
  1. Identify the wrong statement about monocots
  1. Have taproots
  2. Have paralle venation
  3. Floral parts are in three or multiple of three
  4. Lacks pith on the stem
  1. Which statement is true about dicots?
  1. Has one cotyledon
  2. Has cambium in stem and roots
  3. Floral parts are in four or six and their multiples
  4. Leaves are narrow and flat
  1. which of the following is not a distinguishing feature of pine?
  1. Needle like leaves
  2. Male and female parts on the same plant
  3. Lack flowers and fruits
  4. Their seeds are well covered
  1. which of the following is a disadvantage of conifers?
  1. Are source of timber
  2. Are source fungus in soil
  3. Add manure to the soil
  4. Extensive root system affect other plants
  1. which statement is true about monocot root and stem?

A. Vascular bundles forms a star shape

B. Have pericycle and cambium

C. BOTH has pith

D. In stem, the vascular bundle are scattered while in roots they form a ring.

7. Which of the following is not a dicot?

A. Banana

B. Coffee

C. Tea

D. Eucalyptus

8. Which of the following is not an advantage of angiosperms?

A. They are source of food

B. Some have medicinal values

C. Acts as wind breakers

D. Sources of timber.

9. Which of the following is an characteristic of kingdom Plantae?

A. Have chloroplast

B. Have vascular bundles

C. All members can photosynthesize

D. They produce asexually

10. In dicot root, the vascular bundles are arranged in such a way that;

A. They form a ring

B. They are scattered

C. They form a star

D. They appear random




  1. dominant species in bryophyte
  2. green pigment responsible for photosynthesis
  3. xylem and phloem
  4. one cotyledon
  5. two cotyledons
  6. roots used for support in monocots
  7. xylem and phloem alternate
  8. flower bearing plants
  9. cone bearing plants
  10. contain cambium
  1. Dicot root
  2. Dicot root and stem
  3. Monocotyledon
  4. Dicotyledon
  5. Vascular bundles
  6. Prop roots
  7. Adventitious roots
  8. Conipherophyta
  9. Angiospermophytes
  10. Monocot root
  11. Monocot stem
  12. Sporophyte
  13. Germatophyte
  14. Chlorophyll
  15. Chloroplast.



3. Describe five distinctive features of kingdom plantae


4.a) Mention two members of division coniferophyta


b) State the distinctive features of conifers


5. a) Briefly explain how fertilization takes place in conifers


b) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of confers


6.Using well labeled diagrams, show the differences between monocots and dicots


  1. Explain using diagrams the differences in the arrangement of vascular bundles in monocots and dicots


  1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of division angiospermophyta.


9. a) What is alternation of generation?


b) Explain how alternation of generation takes place in bryophytes.


10.Write an essay on economic importance of kingdom plantae




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School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils


  1. Which of the following holds bones together?
  1. Cartillage
  2. Bones
  3. Tendons
  4. Muscles
  1. Which of the following sets of mammalian body contains smooth muscles?
  1. Triceps,blood vessels, urinary bladder
  2. Intestines, triceps, and urinary bladder
  3. Intestines, triceps, and urinary bladder
  4. Intestines, blood vessels, and urinary bladder
  1. In humans,the neck region consists of;

A.Thoracic vertebrae

B. Lumbar vertebrae

C. Cervical vertebrae

D. Sacral vertebrae.

iv) Flexing of the forearmis brought about by

  1. Relaxation of the biceps, and contraction of the triceps
  2. Relaxation of the both biceps and triceps
  3. Contraction of both biceps and triceps
  4. Contraction of the biceps and relaxation of the triceps.

(v) The muscles of a limb which work in opposition to each other are known as;

  1. Opposition muscles
  2. Extensor muscles
  3. Antagonistic muscles
  4. Flexor muscles
  1. Joints are held together by;
  1. Ligaments
  2. Cartilage
  3. Tendon
  4. Muscles
  5. Bones
  1. True ribs are the first;
  1. 7 pairs
  2. 5 pairs
  3. 8 pairs
  4. 6 pairs
  5. 11 pairs
  1. The following are the main components of the bones
  1. calcium and vitamin D B. calcium and magnessium

C. Calcium and phosphorus D. calcium and iron

  1. The following are the main components of the bones
  1. calcium and vitamin D B. calcium and magnessium

C. Calcium and phosphorus D. calcium and iron

  1. Plant are said to be vascular if___________
  1. They contain phloem
  2. They contain xylem
  3. They contain xylem and phloem
  4. They contain xylem only
  5. They contain xylem and cambium only
  1. Matching items questions.



  1. Triceps
  2. Humerus
  3. Exoskeleton
  4. Biceps
  5. Hydrostatic skeleton
  6. Ulna
  7. Endoskeleton
  8. Thigmotropism
  9. Nastic movement
  10. auxin
  1. extensor
  2. flexor
  3. the muscles are attached to it externally
  4. attached muscles lie inside it
  5. maintains the shape of the earthworm
  6. bone found in the lower arm
  7. bone found on upper arm
  8. one of bones found on the arm
  9. plant growth hormone
  10. stimulate growth of adventitious roots
  11. directional movement
  12. non-directional movement
  13. response towards touch
  14. response towards light



  1. a) define the following terms;
  1. locomotion
  2. movement of curvature
  3. movement

b) mention thelocomotary structure of the following?

i) amoeba


  1. trypanosome
  2. euglena.
  1. A) state four functions of skeleton in veterbrates

b) name the type of skeleton found in the following animals

i) insects

ii) warthog


5.The diagram below shows a human hindlimp and some of its muscles.

i) Name the bones marked X,Y,Z.

ii) Name the parts labelled A,B,C,D and E

  1. What are the functions of the parts
  2. What type of joint is this?
  3. Name two parts of the body where this joint is found
  4. What type of joint is found between femur and pelvis.

6. (a) distinguish between endoskeleton and exoskeleton?

b) What are advantages of having exoskeleton to an organism?

c) State two features of joints that makes them reduce friction.

7. a) What is the importance of the movement to an organism?

b)Mention three requirements for locomotion to take place

8. a) Briefly explain the features of the following veterbrae

i) Thoracic

ii) Lumbar

iii) Sacral

iv) Caudal


b) Briefly describe the role of ribcage in human body.

9. a) What are muscles?

b) Differentiate between, skeletal muscles and smooth muscles

c) Give the adaptations of the cardiac muscles

10. (a) Differentiate between tactic movement and nastic movement


b) Explain the importance of the following trophic movements

i) Thigmotropism

ii) Phototropism

iii) Chemotropism.


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NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils


        1. Choose the correct answer and write it in the space provided
  1. The central nervous system consist of
  1. The brain and the spinal cord
  2. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves
  3. The spinal nerves
  4. The spinal cord and spinal nerves


  1. The part of the brain responsible for involuntary activities such as water balance and carbon dioxide levels in blood is
  1. Medulla oblongata
  2. Hypothalamus
  3. Cerebrum
  4. Cerebellum


  1. Which one of the following transmits sound waves from the outer ear to the inner ears
  1. Ear ossicles
  2. Eustachian tube
  3. Oval window
  4. Tympanum


  1. Which of the following statement gives the common cause of cretinism (feeble mindedness)
  1. Lack of balanced diet
  2. Lack of coordination between the nerves and endocrine system
  3. Poor functioning of the adrenal gland in childhood
  4. Poor functioning of the thyroid gland in childhood


  1. The function of the of the pituitary gland are to
  1. Regulate assimilation of carbohydrate
  2. Stimulate excretion
  3. Control the rate of metabolism
  4. Influence the activities of the endocrine glands


  1. An axon carries impulses
  1. Towards the cell body
  2. Across a synapse
  3. Away from the cell body
  4. To sensory organs


  1. Which of the following is a function of the suspensory ligament?
  1. To hold the lens of the eye in position
  2. To regulate the size of the pupil
  3. To protect the vitreous humour
  4. To minimize the light entering the eye


  1. Myopia (short-sightedness) is a condition
  1. Which can be corrected by using a concave lens in front of the eye
  2. Which can be corrected b using a convex lens in front of the eye
  3. Cause by irregular shaped cornea
  4. Cause by light rays converging behind the retina


  1. Which of the following hormones controls reabsorption of water from the kidney tubules when the amount of water in the blood is below normal?
  1. Adrenaline
  2. Anti-diuretic hormone
  3. Acetylcholine
  4. Oxytocin


x) It is the main agent behind heart attack

  1. Old age
  2. Too much physical activity
  3. Cholesterol
  4. Obesity













        1. Match the words on the left hand column with the correct statement on the right hand column.



  1. Reflex arc
  2. Tropism
  3. Irritability
  4. Stimulus
  5. Reflex action
  6. Taxis
  1. A form of energy or chemical substance capable of being preserved by an organism
  2. A neutral arrangement with sensory, intermediate and motor neurons
  3. A directional growth movement of plant parts due to unequal growth resulting from unequal stimulation
  4. An automatic nervous response mediated through receptor on to the effectors.
  5. A directional movement of a whole organism in response to an external unilateral stimulus
  6. Ability to respond to external stimuli.













        1. Arrange the following components of the reflex arc in a correct order
  1. Intermediate Neurone
  2. Motor neurone
  3. Receptor
  4. Sensory neurone
  5. Effector


        1. State the hormone which is being produced in excess in the following conditions
  1. Elevated basal metabolic rate (BMR)
  2. Gigantism
  3. Low blood sugar levels
  4. In reabsorption of Na+ in loop of henle
  5. In contraction of uterus


        1. Draw internal structure of the eye and label the following: Retina, ciliary body, lens, iris and optic nerve.


        1. State the function of the following parts of the ear
  1. Tympanic membrane
  2. Eustachian tube
  3. Ear ossicles
  4. Auditory
  5. Organ of corti


        1. (a) Draw the cross-section part of the skin and lable all parts correctly

(b) Give brief explanation not more than three line in each of the following:

(i) How the skin is the excretion surface?

(ii) How the skin is used in regulation?

(iii) Justify why the skin is a sense organ?



Answer only one question

        1. Global warming is now becoming a threat to the biodiversity. Discuss five ways through which man can use/apply/avoid to alleviate the problem of global warming and hence to protect biodiversity.


        1. (i) Draw well and label correctly mammalian brain and part of spinal cord. (more credit for neat and nice diagram)

(ii) Give four parts of the brain and state their function.


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School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
  5. Which of the following hormones controls reabsorption of water from the kidney tubules when the amount of water in the blood is below normal?
  1. Adrenaline
  2. Anti-diuretic hormone
  3. Acetylcholine
  4. Oxytocin


  1. An example of sedative is
  1. Opium
  2. Heroine
  3. Mandrax
  4. Morphine
  1. By which process does Carbondioxide pass from the blood to alveoli of the lungs;
  1. Osmosis
  2. Oxidation
  3. Transpiration
  4. Diffusion
  5. Respiration


  1. In which category Malpighian layer of mammalian skin is placed?
  1. Tissue
  2. Organ
  3. Cell
  4. System
  5. Organism


  1. A group of animals that maintain the body temperature at more or less constant is;
  1. Regulators
  2. Cold blood animals
  3. Warm blood animals
  4. Poikilotherm
  5. Homoeotherms


  1. Which of the following is not an excretory product in plants;
  1. Tannis
  2. Carbondioxide
  3. Urea
  4. Calcium oxalate
  5. Latex
  1. In which of the following are the largest amounts of nitrogen excreted from the mammalian body
  1. Faeces
  2. Sweat
  3. Urine
  4. Carbon dioxide


  1. The breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the body is due to the action of :
  1. Glucagon
  2. Insulin
  3. Adrenaline
  4. Ant-diuretic hormone


  1. A rise in the body temperature of human body is corrected by
  1. Constriction of the skin arteries and sweating
  2. Constriction of the skin arteries and shivering
  3. Dilation of the skin arteries and sweating
  4. Dilation of the skin arteries and shivering
  1. Which of the following is the most important basic difference between plants and animals;
  1. Growth
  2. Locomotion
  3. Nutrition
  4. Irritability
  5. Excretion





  1. Breakdown of amino acid
  2. Hormone that regulates salt in kidney
  3. Absorption of water occurs here
  4. Functional unit ok kidney
  5. The process by which urine is formed
  6. Plant waste product used to make malaria drugs.
  7. Controls the level of sugar in blood
  8. Behavioural patterns where organism go to deep sleep.
  9. Hormone that regulates amount of water in body.
  10. Diabetes characterized by sweet urine.
  1. Vasopressin
  2. Relaxin
  3. Cortex
  4. Nephrone
  5. Glucagon
  6. Insulin
  7. Morphine
  8. Quinine
  9. Distal convoluted tubule
  10. Proximal convoluted tubule
  11. Loop of henle
  12. Deamination
  13. Aldosterone
  14. Aestivation
  15. Diabetes inspidus
  16. Diabetes mellitus




  1. (a) Draw the cross-section part of the skin and lable all parts correctly

(b) Give brief explanation not more than three line in each of the following:

(i) How the skin is the excretion surface?

(ii) How the skin is used in regulation?

(iii) Justify why the skin is a sense or (a) Define the following terms;

4. (i) Homeostasis

(ii) Osmoregulation


  1. Animal A with 36oC body temperature and animal B with 30oC body temperature were put into a refrigerator switched to 10oC at about 15 minutes. When temperature (s) of animal A and B were taken again (after 15 minutes) the temperature of animal A was averagely the same but the temperature of animal B was 10oC.
  1. Give the biological terms used to describe animal A and B with respect to temperatures control
  2. Briefly explain how mammals overcome overheating.
  1. A) describe the following terms
  1. Hypoglycaemia
  2. Hyperglycaemia
  3. Polyuria
  4. Deamination

b) Distinguish between diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

7. Describe the behavioural and physiological mechanisms of temperature regulation in mammals.

8. a) What is meant by the following terms;

i) Homeostasis

ii) Positive feedback mechanism

iii) Negative feedback mechanism

b) Name four organism mammal body involved in regulation.

9. Urea, ammonia, and uric acid are all excretory products. Which of these substances requires;

i) Least water to eliminate

ii) Most water to eliminate

iii) Is major excretory products in

  1. Birds
  2. Amoeba
  3. Insects
  4. Man

10. The following are the main waste products excreted in man; carbon dioxide, water and urea.

a) i) Name the major organs through which each is excreted.

ii) Name the organs where each is produced

b) Name two substances that the body would be deficient after sweating.


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School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
        1. Which of the following hormones controls reabsorption of water from the kidney tubules when the amount of water in the blood is below normal?
  1. Adrenaline
  2. Anti-diuretic hormone
  3. Acetylcholine
  4. Oxytocin


        1. An example of sedative is
  1. Opium
  2. Heroine
  3. Mandrax
  4. Morphine
        1. By which process does Carbondioxide pass from the blood to alveoli of the lungs;
  1. Osmosis
  2. Oxidation
  3. Transpiration
  4. Diffusion
  5. Respiration


        1. In which category malpighian layer of mammalian skin is placed?
  1. Tissue
  2. Organ
  3. Cell
  4. System
  5. Organism


        1. A group of animals that maintain the body temperature at more or less constant is;
  1. Regulators
  2. Cold blood animals
  3. Warm blood animals
  4. Poikilotherm
  5. Homoeotherms


        1. Which of the following is not an excretory product in plants;
  1. Tannis
  2. Carbondioxide
  3. Urea
  4. Calcium oxalate
  5. Latex
        1. In which of the following are the largest amounts of nitrogen excreted from the mammalian body
  1. Faeces
  2. Sweat
  3. Urine
  4. Carbon dioxide


        1. The breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the body is due to the action of :
  1. Glucagon
  2. Insulin
  3. Adrenaline
  4. Ant-diuretic hormone


        1. A rise in the body temperature of human body is corrected by
  1. Constriction of the skin arteries and sweating
  2. Constriction of the skin arteries and shivering
  3. Dilation of the skin arteries and sweating
  4. Dilation of the skin arteries and shivering
        1. Which of the following is the most important basic difference between plants and animals;
  1. Growth
  2. Locomotion
  3. Nutrition
  4. Irritability
  5. Excretion



  1. Breakdown of amino acid
  2. Hormone that regulates salt in kidney
  3. Absorption of water occurs here
  4. Functional unit ok kidney
  5. The process by which urine is formed
  6. Plant waste product used to make malaria drugs.
  7. Controls the level of sugar in blood
  8. Behavioural patterns where organism go to deep sleep.
  9. Hormone that regulates amount of water in body.
  10. Diabetes characterized by sweet urine.
  1. Vasopressin
  2. Relaxin
  3. Cortex
  4. Nephrone
  5. Glucagon
  6. Insulin
  7. Morphine
  8. Quinine
  9. Distal convoluted tubule
  10. Proximal convoluted tubule
  11. Loop of henle
  12. Deamination
  13. Aldosterone
  14. Aestivation
  15. Diabetes inspidus
  16. Diabetes mellitus




  1. (a) Draw the cross-section part of the skin and label all parts correctly

(b) Give brief explanation not more than three line in each of the following:

(i) How the skin is the excretion surface?

(ii) How the skin is used in regulation?

(iii) Justify why the skin is a sense or

4. (a) Define the following terms;

(i) Homeostasis

(ii) Osmoregulation


  1. Animal A with 36oC body temperature and animal B with 30oC body temperature were put into a refrigerator switched to 10oC at about 15 minutes. When temperature (s) of animal A and B were taken again (after 15 minutes) the temperature of animal A was averagely the same but the temperature of animal B was 10oC.
  1. Give the biological terms used to describe animal A and B with respect to temperatures control
  2. Briefly explain how mammals overcome overheating.
  1. A) describe the following terms
  1. Hypoglycaemia
  2. Hyperglycaemia
  3. Polyuria
  4. Deamination

b) Distinguish between diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

7. Describe the behavioural and physiological mechanisms of temperature regulation in mammals.

8. a) What is meant by the following terms;

i) Homeostasis

ii) Positive feedback mechanism

iii) Negative feedback mechanism

b) Name four organism mammal body involved in regulation.

9. Urea, ammonia, and uric acid are all excretory products. Which of these substances requires;

i) Least water to eliminate

ii) Most water to eliminate

iii) Is major excretory products in

  1. Birds
  2. Amoeba
  3. Insects
  4. Man

10. The following are the main waste products excreted in man; carbon dioxide, water and urea.

a) i) Name the major organs through which each is excreted.

ii) Name the organs where each is produced

b) Name two substances that the body would be deficient after sweating.


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School Base-Online





NAME………………………………………..CLASS……………………………………………………TIME: 21/2HRS


  1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C
  2. Answer all questions
  3. All answers must be written in the spaces provided
  4. All writings should be in blue/black inks except for drawings that should be in pencils
  1. One of the following is not part of the reproduction system of a female mammals;
  1. Uterus
  2. Urethra
  3. Oviduct
  4. Vagina
  5. Ovary
  1. The process whereby embryo attach itself to the wall of the uterine is called
  1. Implantation
  2. Copulation
  3. Fertilization
  4. Reproduction
  1. The immediate result of fertilization in a flowering plant is the formation of
  1. zygote
  2. seed
  3. endosperm
  4. Embryo
  1. Fertilization process is defined as
  1. Formation of new cells
  2. Implantation of a zygote
  3. Cell division in the oviduct
  4. Union of an egg and sperm
  5. Fusion of egg in the uterus.
  1. The menstrual cycle is controlled by the interaction of hormones produced by the:

A. uterus and ovaries

  1. vagina and cervix
  2. fallopian tubes and follicles
  3. pituitary gland and ovaries
  1. Vegetative propagation is:
  1. the formation of a new plant from seeds
  2. a method of producing vegetables
  3. a form of sexual reproduction
  4. the formation of a new plant from part of an already existing plant
  1. iii. Which of the following is characteristic of sexual reproduction in flowering plants?
  1. no fertilization
  2. single fertilization
  3. double fertilization
  4. triple fertilization
  1. Animals, which have the organs of both sexes, are correctly known as:-

A. Bisexual B. Parthenogenic C. Bigamous D. Hermaphrodite

9. The menstrual cycle is controlled by the interaction of hormones produced by the:

A. uterus and ovaries B. vagina and cervix

C. fallopian tubes and follicles D. pituitary gland and ovaries

10. Vegetative propagation is:

A. the formation of a new plant from seeds

B. a method of producing vegetables

C. a form of sexual reproduction

D. the formation of a new plant from part of an already existing plant

11. Which of the following is characteristic of sexual reproduction in flowering plants?

A. no fertilization B. single fertilization

C. double fertilization D. triple fertilization


2. Matching items questions.



  1. The fusion of male and female gametes
  2. The release of egg from ovary
  3. Withdrawal of penis before ejagulation
  4. A means of reproduction by outgrowth.
  5. The part of testis where sperms are stored
  6. The male reproductive cell in mammals
  7. The reproductive structure of onions
  8. Pregnancy formed at the oviduct
  9. Male sterilization
  10. Formation of ova
  1. Spermatogenesis
  2. Gametogenesis
  3. Tubal ligation
  4. Vasectomy
  5. Budding
  6. Binary fission
  7. Epididymis
  8. Vas deferens
  9. Suckers
  10. Bulbis
  11. Bulbs
  12. Ectopic pregnancy
  13. Ovulation
  14. Fertilization
  15. Sperm cell
  16. Ova
  17. Oogenesis




3. (a) Define the following terms as used in reproduction;

  1. Fertilization
  2. Ovulation


(b) Name and explain how two types of twins occur.

4.a) Name the parts presented by the letters (A-I) in the diagram below:

b) State one function for each of the parts labelled D, H, I and F.

b) Draw a longitudinal section of a flower and label the structures that;

i) Perform similar functions with structures F and G in the diagram below.

ii) Helps in pollination

iii) Receive pollen grains

iv) Forms ovules

v) Offers protection to the flower during bud stage

5. Copy the table below in your answer booklet and fill in the gaps. Write only one basic function.





  1. Progesterone

  1. Follicle stimulating hormone

  1. Luteinizing hormone

  1. Oxtocin

  1. Oestrogen


6. Differentiate the following pairs of Biological terminologies

  1. Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis
  2. Still birth and breech birth
  3. Ectopic pregnancy and abortion
  4. Fertilization and implantation
  5. Fraternal twins and identical twins


7. a. What is artificial insemination?

b. Write three (3) advantages of artificial insemination


8. (a) Draw a well labeled diagram of the structure of an ovum


(b) State the function of the following parts in male reproductive system

    1. Seminiferous tubule
    2. Epididymis
    3. Vas deferens
    4. Seminal vesicles

9. (a) Distinguish between sexual and unisexual reproduction (4 points)

(b) Explain the significance of meiosis in relation to reproduction

(c ) List the factors that may affect onset and duration of menstruction cycle in human being (4 point)

10. (a) Briefly explain the following term :-

  1. Incest
  2. Homosexuality
  3. Prostitution
  4. Masturbation

(b) Outline social cultural practices that affect maternal and child care in family and community.

(c ) Give differences between identical and fraternal twins


11. Carefully observe the diagram below which show the developing foetus.

i. Name the stractures labelled A-G

ii. Name the two blood vessels that pass through B

iii. State two (2) main components of blood in each of the vessels passing through structure B

iii. State three functions of the structure labelled




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