CODE: 013 TIME: 2:30HRS
1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with the total of ten (10) questions.
2. Answer all questions in section A, B and only Two (2) question in section C
3. All writing must be in blue or black ink.
4. All writing must be in the space provided.
5. Cellular phones and calculators are not allowed in the examination room.
1. Write the Examination Number at the top right corner of every page.
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SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer All questions in this section
1. For each of the following items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the given and write its letter in the box provided
I. Geography is the combination of two Greek word which are:
A. Bios and Logos
B. Civics and hist
C. Geo and Graphien
D. Volcano and pharos
II. A climate locate between 50 North and 50 South of the equator is called
A. Savannah
B. Hot desert
C. Monsoon equatorial climate
D. Equatorial climate
III. During perihelion, the distance of the earth from the sun is
A. 147 mill km
B. 152 mill km
C. 147.3 mill km
D. 152.3 mill km
IV. …………………… are object with the leading head and bright tails in sky.
A. Meteors
B. Planetoids
C. Asteroids
D. Comets
V. A representative scale 1:250,000 can be presented by statement scale
A. 0.5cm to 2.5km
B. 2cm to 25km
C. 1cm to 250,000km
D. 1cm to 2.5km
VI. Wind vane is the instrument used for
A. Recording the direction
B. Showing wind direction
C. Recording the wind speed
D. Showing the wind speed
VII. The needle of the compass point to
A. Grid North
B. Magnetic North
C. North Pole
D. Polar star
VIII. The following is famous rivers found in continent of Asia
A. Ganges, Amazon and Ruaha
B. Nile, Indus and Yang tse kiang
C. Hwang ho. Zambezi and Indus
D. Indus, Ganges and Hwang ho
IX. What the local time of Dar es Salaam at 450E when its noon at Greenwich
A. 3:00 pm
B. 7:00pm
C. 8:00pm
D. 10.00pm
X. Residual Mountain are formed by
A. Wrinkling of Earth’s crust
B. Prolonged denudation
C. Pilling up of hot molten lava
D. Faulting of the Earth Crust
2. Match each item in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response below the number of corresponding items in the table provided
i. A Country with the five-time zone ii. A diameter of the Earth from the pole to pole iii. A date which the sun overhead in tropic of Capricorn each year iv. A galaxy in which solar system with the planet Earth is found v. The number of days required for planet mercury to make one revolution around the sun |
A. 225 days B. 22nd December C. Milky D. Russia E. Nebula F. 21st June G. Canada H. 88days I. 12713 J. 12757 |
List A |
i |
ii |
iii |
Iv |
v |
List B |
3. In each of the following items (i)-(x), write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if the statement is not correct.
i. There more continents in the southern hemisphere than the Northern hemisphere ………………………………………………...
ii. The average surface temperature of the sun is about 60000c …………………………………
iii. Among the latitude only Equator is Great circle ……………………………………………………
iv. The difference in time between the two-difference place is caused by variation in their latitudes ……………………………………….
v. A person who deal with geography is known as Geographien…………………………………
vi. Uncontrolled deforestation does not expose soil erosion and extinction of fauna and flora species …………………………………
vii. A scale helps the map interpreters to calculate distance, area and computation of the other fact …………………………………………………….
viii. Maximum thermometer records the maximum and minimum temperature within the day ………………………………………………
ix. Grid refence and bearing are used to determine the position of the place on a map …………………………………………………………………
x. Ocean trench are also known as submarine plateaus…………………………………………
Answer all question in this section
4. (a)Mention five technique of land reclamation
i. …………………………………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………………
iii. ……………………………………………………………………………………
iv. ……………………………………………………………………………………
v. ……………………………………………………………………………………
(b)Mention five purpose of land reclamation
i. ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………
iii. …………………………………………………………………………………
iv. ………………………………………………………………………………………
v. …………………………………………………………………………………
(c)Briefly describe the following terms
i. Manufacturing industries
ii. Water conservation
iii. Water pollution
5. (a) Outline five evidences to verify the Earth is spherical
i. ………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………
iii. ………………………………………………………………………………………
iv. …………………………………………………………………………………
v. ……………………………………………………………………………………
(b) Briefly explain the following features of continents.
i. Plain ………………………………………………………………………………
ii. Mountain……………………………………………………………………………………
iii. Valleys ……………………………………………………………………………………………
i. Longitude and latitude
ii. Umbra and Penumbra
……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………
6. (a)Outline four ways to locate Position of the place on Map.
i. …………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………………
iii. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
iv. …………………………………………………………………………………………
(b)List four features of Representative (RF) Scale.
i. …………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. ………………………………………………………………………………………
iii. ………………………………………………………………………………………
iv. ……………………………………………………………………………………
(c) Suggest two ways of Measuring area with the irregular shape.
i. …………………………………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer two question from this section
7. Describe five problems that caused by tourism industry in Tanzania.
8. Using example, explain five problems facing livestock farming in Africa.
9. Describe five problems facing transport industry in East Africa.
10. Elaborate five challenges for development of gold mining industries in Tanzania.
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I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
IX |
X |
C |
D |
C |
D |
D |
B |
B |
D |
A |
B |
1mark@ 10 total marks
List A |
i |
ii |
iii |
iv |
v |
List B |
G |
I |
B |
C |
H |
1mark@ 5 total marks
I |
ii |
iii |
iv |
v |
vi |
vii |
viii |
ix |
X |
1mark @ 10 total marks |
4. (a)
i. Afforestation
ii. Drainage
iii. Irrigation
iv. Planting of grass cover on the land
v. Clearing of heavy forest 1@ 5 Total marks
i. To create more land for agriculture
ii. To create more land for industrial activities
iii. To generate more land for human settlement.
iv. To increase employment opportunities
v. To create area for establishing transport network
vi. To concern the important flora and fauna example through planting tree and grass cover.
(Any five 1mark total 5marks)
i. Manufacturing industries refer to the industries which involving processing changing the material in order to make the new material of great value to man (2marks)
ii. Water conservation this means the sustainable use of these resource can be construct supply for the future generation (2marks)
iii. Water pollution is the adding of harmful substance into the water bodies. It generally due to the poor uses of water resource (2 marks)
5. (a)
i. Aerial photography
ii. Curved horizon
iii. Position of the polar star
iv. Ship visibility
v. Sun set and sun rise
vi. Circumnavigation of the earth
vii. Solar eclipse (any five point 1@total)
i. Plain is a large and near flat land with no great change in its height(2 marks)
ii. Mountain is the large and elevated land rising to great height than the hill. It’s the highest part of the continents. (2 marks)
iii. Valley is the long narrow stretch of land which extend through the plain, hills or mountain. (2 marks)
i. Longitude are imaginary angular lines drawn on pole from the North pole to South pole while Latitude are imaginary angular lines drown on map running from East to West. (3marks)
ii. Umbra a part of the total darkness (shadow) while penumbra a part with the partial darkness (3marks)
6. (a)
i. Place name
ii. Latitude and longitude
iii. Direction
iv. Orientation (1@total 4 marks)
v. Compass bearing and distance(vi) grid reference
i. Numerator stand for map distance
ii. Numerator always given one (01)
iii. Expressed in ratio (1@ total 4 marks)
iv. Denominator stand for ground distance
i. By using square method (iii)division method
ii. By using the piece of paper (iv) strip method ( 2@ total 4 marks)
7. Tourism is the temporary movement of people to new environment for the purpose of leisure relaxation and adventure. (3 marks)
Problem caused by tourism industry in Tanzania
i. Emergency of thief’s and robbers.
ii. Spread of disease
iii. It leads to traditional value break down.
iv. It is source of conflict between the countries with in the country through cultural destruction (any five points 2@ total 10)
v. It accelerates terrorism in toured countries
vi. It led the decline the other sector because it needs large capital.
Conclusion: Any related with tourism (2marks)
8. Livestock farming is the practice of keeping domestically Animal for commercial purpose example animal are cattle, sheep, goat, pigs and rabbit. (3marks)
Problem facing livestock farming
i. Animal are poor in quality
ii. It’s can be source of conflict among the society example Christian keeping pig can into conflict with the Muslim(any five point 2@10 total marks)
iii. Poor transport and communication
iv. Lack of technology and science
v. Pest and disease
vi. Lack of market
Conclusion any related (2 marks)
9. Transport is movement of people and goods from place to another by means of vehicles,motocycles,bicycles,planes,ship and other means
i. Insufficient or low capital for construction the means of transport.
ii. Poor support from the government
iii. Inadequate education about road safety which cause accident
iv. Inadequate skilled labour.
v. Poor weather condition.
vi. Rising of running cost like fuel
vii. Political instability ( any five point 2@ 10 total marks
Conclusion (2 marks)
10. Mining refer to the all activities that involve the extraction of mineral both solid and liquid from the Earth’s crust. Or Gold mining refer to the all activities of extraction of Gold from the Earth’s crust. (3 marks)
i. Price fluctuation in the world market
ii. Poor transport and communication
iii. Political instability
iv. Lack of capital (any five point 2@ total 10)
v. Lack of skilled labour
vi. Mineral exhausted
vii. Low mineral deposit
viii. Poor government policy
Conclusion (2marks )
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